Install Aut and Create Wallet.Key

Install Aut

sudo apt update && apt upgrade -y

sudo apt install git curl wget -y

sudo apt install make clang pkg-config libssl-dev build-essential -y

sudo apt install pipx -y

pipx install --force

pipx ensurepath

source ~/.bashrc

Create Wallet key

mkdir piccadilly-keystore && aut account new --keyfile ./piccadilly-keystore/wallet.key

Input your password for wallet.key

Save wallet address and wallet.key.

Config Aut for wallet.key

nano .autrc

paste content bellow on file and save



Register to take part in the Games! Registration is free and open to all.

Before form You need get "SIGNATURE HASH" , run command bellow and save all logs.

aut account sign-message "I have read and agree to comply with the Piccadilly Circus Games Competition Terms and Conditions published on IPFS with CID QmVghJVoWkFPtMBUcCiqs7Utydgkfe19wkLunhS5t57yEu"

ex: 0xxxxf2396fa44f47b2c77f2e934cccc239582344437bdsgdstwtre3465756478568d1xx

Backup wallet.key

Save wallet.key in folder: piccadilly-keystore

cd $HOME/piccadilly-keystore

Upgrade Aut

pipx uninstall aut
pipx install --force

Last updated